
Monday, August 26, 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019

book week reflection

book week was a great chance for many kids to dress up and have fun is well as playing games and of course going to the book week parade.

i went as Matilda and it was so much fun to participate with all the kids just haing a blast and showing off their costumes to their friends.
there was definitely  a favorite outfit for me,the kids were so creative with the costumes. i saw some thing 1 and 2's and some Alice in wonderlands.
some robin hood.
there were just some amazing costumes that looked stunning and a lot of hard work put into them.
the book week dress up was such a success and i really enjoyed it and so did other kids.

Monday, August 12, 2019

some writing i'm working on

this is some of my writing that i have been working on in class during writing time and i think it is very interesting and i am hoping you all will like it too.

( wood creaking )
I walk down the stairs to the lounge to see nothing in the room.
( crash bang ) I turn my head quickly to see things flying across the room in the kitchen.
I grab my baseball bat that sits next to an old torn up chairs in the lounge. Im shaking as I slowly walked into the kitchen with the bat up high then my head.
I peek around the corner to see broken plates sitting on tables an the floors,food torn up to pieces on the ground,cooking tools lying on the ground and 1 thing that made me scream so loud the neighbours came racing over knocked on the front door but i was stuck i couldn’t talk and couldn’t move something was gripping my arms and pulling at my hair I couldn't feel my face.
I started screaming as loud as I could well this strange creature gripped my arms and legs and pulling me back and forth.
It grabbed me and smashed me into the wooden cabinet. ( BANG ) more plates come off the cabinet and smash to the ground.
I felt glass cut my foot as I took my ground on the floor.
I screamed again and the neighbours kicked the door down and came rushing in to see everything trashed and broken and destroyed and sitting on the ground im crying while trying to figure out what had happened trying to come out of shook the neighbours dodged all the broken pieces of glass. At some point that get to me and see my foot is bleeding.and immediately call the police still in shock paramedics pick me up and lift me onto a stretcher.
The police still searching my house i leave to go to the hospital with my mum sitting next to me softly crying but at the same time wondering what had happened.
I get to hospital and they take the leftover glass out of my foot and stop the bleeding,they put a bandage over it and to of the paramedics drive me and my mum home.
A few days later my 4 year old  niece sequoia  gets up to go to the bathroom as she walks down the hallway to see a little girl standing at the bathroom door she runs over to the little girl but she disappears sequoia looks around hearing a little girl giggling while looking she looks around her one more time but doesn’t see anything.
She walks into the bathroom and goes toilet.she finishes going toilet walks out and...

first post

Hi my name is Jenayde Wilson and this is my first post on my blog